As Dinesh Metal Works brand name DISHA, faces the 21st century, the company takes pride in its work by using the latest and updated technology available. Since its start of operation (1980) up to this day, Dinesh Metal Works, have been providing, Rubber & Plastic components/items to various clients, serving the clients according to their needs. We believe that we'll be able to compete globally in the near future since it is the company's vision to become a highly respected producer of various Rubber & Plastic components/items.
The company assures its clients of their satisfaction by addressing their needs and requirements in a timely manner. At its early stage, Dinesh Metal Works was able to capture all type of market requirement for Automotive, Appliances and Electronics industries merely because of its Commitment In Total Customer Satisfaction. In this regard, it is thus projected, that it won't take too long for Dinesh Metal Works to rise into prominence and gain the stature as one of the most reliable and prestigious player in the manufacturing industry.